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Northern Ireland Cases

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Ó Maoláin v The Equality Commission & Ors [2002] NIFET 141_02 (26 August 2002)      -----      [1996] NISSCSC A25/96(IB)
[1996] NISSCSC A40/96(IB)      -----      [1997] NISSCSC C66/97(DLA)
[1997] NISSCSC C67/97(DLA)      -----      [1999] NISSCSC C37/99(DLA)
[1999] NISSCSC C37/99(IB)      -----      [2002] NISSCSC C19/02-03(DLA)
[2002] NISSCSC C20/02-03(IB)      -----      [2004] C20/03-04(IB) (14
[2004] C34/03-04(DLA) (20      -----      [2005] NISSCSC R(IB)4_05
[2006] NIIT 149_06      -----      [2008] NISSCSC CC10_07_08(DLA)
[2008] NISSCSC CIB_3542_2007      -----      [2009] NISSCSC CSC3_07_08
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A & Anor,      -----      AB, R v [2012]
AB, R v [2015]      -----      Aiyegbusi, Re Application
AJ v Department      -----      Anderson v BC
Anderson v Department      -----      Armstrong v John
Armstrong v K      -----      Ayton, R v
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B & Anor      -----      Barlow v Gallagher
Barnard, Re Application      -----      Belfast City Council's
Belfast Crown Court      -----      Black v Ballyrobert
Black v Campbell      -----      Boots The Chemist
Borges & Ors,      -----      Bradley v Federation
Bradley v Holland      -----      British Air Line Pilot's Assco... v
British Air Line Pilot's Assco... Unite      -----      Brun, Re Application
Brunsdon v Dawson      -----      Byrne v Derry
Byrne v Frank      -----      BZ, R v
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C & Ors      -----      Campbell v Department of Justice Department
Campbell v Department of Justice (Discrimination      -----      Carson v Chief
Carson v Creative      -----      CF-v-Department for Social
CG v Facebook      -----      Clarke v Department
Clarke v Firecrest      -----      Coll v Royal
Collins v Abbey      -----      Cooke v Barry
Cooke v Belfast      -----      Cowan, R. v
Cowan v Red      -----      Crossland v The
Crothers v B      -----      Cusack v Frank
Cushenan v Sperrin      -----      Czubek v 55
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v D      -----      De Oliveira v
De Souza v      -----      Devlin v St
Devlin v Wright      -----      Doherty & Anor, An
Doherty & Anor, Inquest      -----      Donnell, R. v
Donnellan v Antrim      -----      Downey v McClenaghan
Downey v O'Hare      -----      Duggan v Roulston
Dukali v Colin      -----      Dzhelepli v Regency
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E & M,      -----      Engage Credit Ltd
Engalv (Ireland) Ltd,      -----      Eyre v Apricot
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F & T      -----      Ferguson v Brooklands
Ferguson v Bubbles      -----      Fitzsimmons v Police
Fitzsimmons v Royal      -----      Fox v Planet
Fox, R. v      -----      Fyneface Boma Emmanson,
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G & D      -----      General Prosecutors Office
Geoghegan v Department      -----      Gleeson, R. v
Glen Water Ltd      -----      Graham v Fyfes
Graham v Graham      -----      Gribben, Re Judicial
Gribbin v Northern      -----      Gyanyi v Galeton
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H & Anor      -----      Hanlon v Rotary
Hann, Re an      -----      Hawthorn v South
Hawthorne & Anor      -----      Henvey v Breen & Ors [2002]
Henvey v Breen & Ors (Preliminary      -----      Holbeach v Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland [2024]
Holbeach v Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (Rev1)      -----      Hughes v Fred
Hughes v Gareth      -----      Hzustaljova -Guzhova v
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
IA, R. v      -----      Ivery v Northern
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J & A      -----      JG, Re Judicial
JG v The      -----      Jones v Crosskey's
Jones v Cullen      -----      JR62, Re Judicial
JR63, Re Judicial      -----      JW-v-Department for Social
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K & Ors,      -----      Kelly v KPL
Kelly v K-Tec      -----      Kerridge v Maria
Kerrigan & Ors      -----      Klosinska v Countrywide
Klosowska v Department      -----      Kynes v Frank
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L & Anor,      -----      Lavery v Sean
Lavery v Septodont      -----      Letterese v The
Levy McCallum Ltd      -----      Logan v Energy
Logan v Ian      -----      Lynch v The
Lynch v University      -----      Lyttle v Red
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M, A Child      -----      Magill & Ors,
Magill (a minor)      -----      Mann v Crossgar Poultry Ltd [2004]
Mann v Crossgar Poultry Ltd (Unfair      -----      Matthews v Queen's
Matthews, Re An      -----      McAtarsney v Patterson
McAtarsney, R v      -----      McCafferty v Department of Finance &
McCafferty v Department of Finance and      -----      McCarthy v Police
McCarthy, Re Judicial      -----      McClory v Tikki
McCloskey v Dessian      -----      McCorley v. Northern
McCormac, R. v      -----      McCullough, R v.
McCullough, R v      -----      McElhone, An Inquest
McElhone v BT      -----      McGillin v Chief Constable of the PSNI [2010] NIIT 01233_08IT
McGillin v Chief Constable of the PSNI [2010] NIIT 1233_08IT      -----      McGuigan v FGS
McGuigan, Inquest into      -----      McKee v Call
McKee v Carson      -----      McKibbin v McGrady
McKibbin v UK      -----      McLean v Royal
McLean v Yates      -----      McMurran v Fane
McMurray v HM      -----      McSherry v Almac
McSherry v Department      -----      Meyer v Department
Meyler v Ferris      -----      ML v Department for Communities (DLA)
ML v Department for Communities (ESA)      -----      Mooney & Anor
Mooney v Andras      -----      Morley v The Ministry of
Morley v The Ministry Of      -----      Mulholland v Kane
Mulholland v Marie      -----      Murray v Gilchrist
Murray v Independent      -----      MZ –v- Department
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N & Anor,      -----      Nicholl v AHA Architects (NI) Ltd [2015] NIIT 00953_15IT
Nicholl v AHA Architects (NI) Ltd [2015] NIIT 953_15IT      -----      Northern Ireland Water
Northern Trust v      -----      Nyari v Mount
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O and S,      -----      O'Hara v Aidan
O'Hara v Cairns      -----      O'Neill v Redcaps
O'Neill v Rowan      -----      Ozdemir v Eamonn
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P & Ors,      -----      Pawlicki v Farmer
Pawlicki v Treads      -----      Pherwani v The
Philip Russell Ltd      -----      Power v Orla
Power, R v      -----      Pyper v Aspire
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q (A Child)      -----      QWL & Ors,
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R & D      -----      Ramsey v AGG
Ramsey v Leeanoy      -----      Reynolds v McAlister
Reynolds, R. v      -----      Robinson v G4S
Robinson v Gary      -----      Rouse v Rouse
Rowan v David      -----      Rzekec v Younger
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S & Ors      -----      Scott v CDC
Scott v David      -----      Shaw & Anor v James J Macaulay Solicitors [2011]
Shaw & Anor v James J Macaulay Solicitors [2012]      -----      Simpson v Dean
Simpson v Debenhams      -----      Smith v Social Security Agency & Ors [2002]
Smith v Social Security Agency & Ors (Preliminary      -----      Speer v Nortel
Speers v Northern      -----      Stewart & Ors,
Stewart v Aber      -----      Swift Advances Plc v McKay &
Swift Advances Plc v McKay [2013]      -----      Szymula v Linden
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T & Anor,      -----      Tesco Stores Ltd,
Tesco Stores Ltd      -----      Thompson v F
Thompson v Gekkoshot      -----      Toman v Royal
Tomas & Ors      -----      Tweed v Tweed
Tweedie v Soon      -----      Tyler v Mallaghan
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
UB v Department      -----      Ustaoglu v Ministry
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
v Education Authority      -----      VZ v Department
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W & Anor      -----      Ward, R v
Ward, R. v      -----      White v Cousins
White v DG      -----      Wilson v Derek
Wilson v Dympna      -----      Woods v Department
Woods v Devenish      -----      Wyrwas v Re-Gen
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      XY x NIHE
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y (a child)      -----      YZ v Google
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z (A Minor      -----      ZY v Higgins [2013] NIQB 8 (25 January 2013)

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